Writing in itself may be a solitary activity, but being a writer is not.

Community is important, and as humans, we acknowledge this in the many communities we are a part of: family, friends, neighborhoods, church, sport activities and clubs, and many more. The communities that we immerse ourselves in help us to grow and become better than we would be on our own.

Writing is no different. Without a community of fellow writers, we will never become the best writers that we can be. Within a community of fellow writers there is growth, opportunities, friendships and mentorships, and inevitably, better writing.

For me, writing had been a very solitary experience for most of my life; I had no writing community and had no idea where to find one. When I discovered one in my area, it was impossible to get involved because of my work-every-Saturday restaurant job.

Changing jobs and leaving the restaurant industry at the end of 2022 opened a whole new world for me as I was at long last able to be a part of a community of writers. The interactions and friendships with other writers, the feedback and critiques, the open doors of opportunities and networking – it was a breath of fresh air – or rather, fresh ink in my pen! Encouragement. Accountability. Exchange of knowledge.

The writer within me rejoiced and bloomed in the midst of community.

Does the writer within you need to find community? If you don’t yet have one, it is vital that you find one. Writing may be a solitary act, but being a writer requires community.

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